As you can probably tell by how much I've slowed down in writing this blog, I'm continuing to have trouble with blocking. I thought that making my Getting My Life in Order List would help, but it didn't. I'm still stuck at the second item on the list: learning to read tarot cards. I don't think the list has been responsible, but I've gotten even worse. I don't have the energy, the motivation, the willpower, or the even the desire to start things, and even if I do start them, I can't seem to finish them. My problems with metal-poisoning-related fatigue made things worse, but they weren't the root cause. And now that I'm feeling physically better, I'm noticing the psychological side of it more and more. (I have looked into clinical depression, but I don't have any of the symptoms.)
In order to try and get out of my slump, I've started meditations on opening my chakras. I feel as if they are ALL blocked, some of them more than others. I've also, through a class I'm taking at The Magical Circle School, researched and found herbs that will help me work through this, in the form of incenses and bath herbs. (Wood ruff, St. John's wort, cloves, and peppercorns to name a few.) And this weekend, on the night of the full moon, I plan to cast a spell to help me further.
All of this seems to be helping, slowly. It took an almost unimaginable amount of willpower to actually start the process, but bit by bit I seem to be improving. I've turned in four assignments in three different classes this week, and finished the readings in another. I've actually gotten out of bed before noon three times this week.
Hopefully all THIS will do the trick.
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