Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kai's Birthday Week

Yesterday was Kai's 1st Birthday (Happy Birthday, Kai!).  Unfortunately, we couldn't do much because he is going through the throes of panosteitis (pano) right now, poor puppy.  This means sedatives, analgesics, and much, much crate rest.  Luckily, the pano comes and goes, so he has good days as well as bad.  Because of this, we decided he should have an entire week of birthday fun!

When he is able, he'll go to dog parks galore, and travel with us in the car just about wherever we go.  He'll get to walk along the lake shore in Burlington, where he can take the "high" path and look down on everything, as he loves to do.  He'll go into any retail establishment that will allow it, and enjoy attention and admiration at all the local pet stores. The high point of the week will be his (and Lance's) first ever overnight camping trip.

If he is not able, he'll get all kinds of special attention anyway, just a more quiet kind.  :)

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